Highlights: Cloud Infrastructure for central storage with periodic locational Synchronization
Highlights: Cloud Infrastructure for central storage with periodic locational Synchronization
Highlights : Successfully deployed and Operational with special MIS for Landing cost, Material Ageing Dead stock, Predictive consumption and demand estimation, Yearly recuperation report, Reconciliation of Vendor supplies with Purchase orders and material returns.
Highlights : A specially designed Job card system enables the tracking of downtime, repair time, sick-time and tyre life with run Kms. The inspection of docking records of vehicles are maintained and schedules for next preventive pit-stop can be tracked easily.
Highlights : Successfully deployed and operational with a manpower optimization of 60% in certain critical areas of Ticket and Cash
Highlights : Successfully demonstrated real time RFID based fleet tracking mechanism to track th in/out time of Buses.
Highlights : Successfully deployed the structure of system and migrated the legacy data with 99.9% Conversion rate after data mining, Scrubbing normalization and data canonization.